Director-Operations, SENLA Research Hub
Researcher | Business Cases Enthusiast
I am a lecturer and researcher interested in business and management sciences. I have been a Visiting Fellow at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, as part of the Africa Oxford Visiting Fellowship Programme. I have pursued PhD in Marketing from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda, where I am currently working as a lecturer in Marketing in the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. Also, I am an external examiner at Mountains of the Moon University, Uganda. I am a mentor at the Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CamTech Uganda), MUST Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT), and MUST Business Incubation Clinic. I coordinate the Erasmus plus collaboration between MUST and Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, German, and a project core member for the UNESCO-China funds in Trust project implemented at MUST. My research focuses on locally contextualised business teaching using case studies to understand ‘Street Smart’ Entrepreneurs. I focus on writing and publishing Business Teaching Case Studies (BTCS) of entrepreneurs who start their businesses with minimal resources and limited education. BTCS of street-smart entrepreneurs can provide valuable insight into indigenous knowledge and business models which are rarely shared or studied in business schools. ‘Street Smart’ Entrepreneurs are a part of the business and innovation landscape that is often marginalised and whose ingenuity has been overlooked. My work has the potential to bring to light how ‘street smart’ entrepreneurs have often provided impactful local solutions to society’s challenges. While at Oxford, I worked on developing locally contextualised Business Teaching Case Studies that will reflect the challenges local entrepreneurs face. My project explored how creating local BTCS could increase insights into the experiences of ‘street smart’ entrepreneurs and their business performance considering profitability, efficiency, diversification, growth, human resource dynamics, and survival strategies over the years.